Our Investment Approach

We believe in creating and managing wealth for our clients with integrity and transparency.
Our investment approach is founded on a sound philosophy, a robust process, and a strong and committed team.

Our investment philosophy ensures that we consistently provide financial returns to our clients, while actively managing risk. We pursue impactful investment strategies that drive meaningful and sustainable benefit to our investors.

We are an active manager utilizing long-term fundamental investment strategies with a quantitative overlay. Our process is underpinned by a team of individuals with in-depth technical expertise in various financial markets and asset classes.  Research is key to our investment process. We continuously analyse factors that influence market behaviour, tracking value offered by different investment opportunities, over varying time horizons, with a view to maximising returns. We manage one single investment process upon which all portfolios are managed. We have a risk-based quantitative approach that guides allocations across different portfolio strategies and client mandates based on risk and return objectives. We are nimble and able to adapt our products to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our investment approach is robust, repeatable, and reliable, while agile enough to respond to market idiosyncrasies. Prowess has delivered sustainable, long term returns for clients since 2009.

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