Multi-Asset Class
Our multi-asset class investments can be combined to match investor’s risk appetite and investment needs. Our blended portfolios combine the strengths of different asset classes to earn the best returns.

Specialist Multi-Asset Class Strategy

Investor Profile
For investors who take a medium to long-term view and wish to achieve capital growth and income by diversifying their risk across different local asset classes such as cash, fixed income securities and equities.
Fund Description
The fund combines a diverse range of investments and risk profiles and is designed to deliver a consistent performance against the benchmark. The portfolio is managed across various asset classes and invests in local equities, local bonds, and cash products. It is benchmarked on a combination of the STEFI, FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI) and FTSE/JSE All Share Index (ALSI) indices and aims to achieve long-term capital growth.
Benchmark: A combination of STEFI, FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI) and FTSE/JSE All Share Index (ALSI)
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Segregated/CIS
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Fund Managers
Prowess Diversified Income 27Four Fund
Investor Profile
For investors who are looking to prioritise income in the form of interest income and dividend yielding investments. The goal is to achieve capital preservation, maximum interest income and high liquidity over the short to medium term.
Fund Description
The fund contains a diversified portfolio designed to produce excess returns above the Short-Term Fixed Interest Composite Index (STEFI) benchmark over the long-term. It is a Rand denominated, actively managed income fund, and targets investments in bonds or other fixed-income securities as well as preferred shares and dividend stocks. The fund can also access global assets to generate maximum income.
Benchmark: STeFI Composite Total Return Index
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: CIS/Segregated
For more information please contact:
Fund Managers
Absolute Cash Fund
Investor Profile
For investors who are looking for real returns and capital preservation.
Fund Description
The Fund targets positive real returns with a focus on limiting downside or portfolio losses. The fund contains a diversified portfolio designed to produce excess returns above the Short-Term Fixed Interest Composite Index (STEFI) benchmark over the long-term. It is a Rand denominated, actively managed income fund, and targets investments in money market securities, bonds or other fixed-income securities as well as equities.
Benchmark: STeFI Composite Total Return Index
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Segregated
Prowess Absolute Cash Fund – January 2025
Fund Managers
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