Specialist Fixed Income
Our fixed income portfolios are managed to produce real return rates or periodic income, received at regular intervals and at reasonably predictable levels. We invest in cash, money market and bond instruments.

Conservative Cash Strategy
Specialist Cash Strategies

Prowess 90 Day Money Market Fund
Investor Profile
For investors who are looking to save for a specific short-term goal, desire to achieve capital preservation, want to maximize interest income and are looking for high liquidity.
Fund Description
This is a low-risk portfolio focused on preserving capital by investing in a blend of high quality and highly liquid short-dated instruments that offer value on a relative basis. The fund offers diversification by investing in fixed income securities that are designed to generate competitive returns that are higher than the Short-Term Fixed Interest Composite Index (STEFI) benchmark. The portfolio has a firm cash benchmark with a targeted return.
It can be allocated in a retirement fund’s investment strategy as a portion of the cash allocation in a balanced portfolio.
Benchmark: Short Term Fixed Interest Composite Index (STEFI)
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Pooled/Segregated/CIS
Prowess 90-Day Money Market Fund – January 2025Fund Managers
Prowess 180 Day Money Market Fund
Investor Profile
For institutional clients with various risk profiles and can be allocated in a retirement fund’s investment strategy as a portion of the money market allocation in a balanced portfolio.
Fund Description
The Fund seeks to produce returns that are superior to the Short Term Fixed Interest (”STEFI”) Composite Index by seeking investment opportunities in the fixed income market that offer value on a relative basis. The Fund’s strategy is to build a diversified portfolio that achieves a higher weighted average yield over risk free rates while minimising volatility.
Benchmark: Short Term Fixed Interest Composite Index (STEFI)
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Pooled/Segregated
Prowess 180-Day Money Market Fund – January 2025
Fund Managers

Enhanced Cash Strategy
Specialist Cash Strategies

Listed Core Bond Strategy
Specialist Bond Strategies

Prowess Listed Corporate Bond Fund
Investor Profile
For institutional clients with various risk profiles looking for predictable income and medium to long-term capital growth.
Fund Description
The Fund’s strategy is to build a diversified portfolio that achieves a higher weighted average yield over risk free rates while minimising volatility. The investment strategy combines a top-down strategic long-term market view with bottom-up security selection as performance enhancing strategies.
The Fund invests in a diversified range of listed fixed interest securities including, but not limited to, government, semi-government, corporate bonds, fixed deposits, money market and other interest-bearing securities that offer value on a relative basis.
It seeks to produce returns that are superior to the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI) by seeking investment opportunities in the fixed income market that offer value on a relative basis.
Benchmark: FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI)
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Pooled/Segregated/CIS
Prowess Listed Corporate Bond Fund – January 2025
Fund Managers
Prowess Flexible Bond Fund
Investor Profile
For institutional clients with various risk profiles looking for predictable income and medium to long-term capital growth over time.
Fund Description
The portfolio makes use of a wide range of fixed income instruments to deliver excess returns above a targeted benchmark. It utilises strategies from the fixed income market, credit market, derivatives, inflation linked bonds, and the property market.
It seeks to produce returns that are superior to the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI).
Benchmark: FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI)
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Pooled/Segregated
For more information please contact: businessdevelopment@prowessinvestments.com
Fund Managers
Prowess Passive Bond Fund
Investor Profile
For institutional clients with various risk profiles looking for predictable income and medium to long-term capital growth over time.
Fund Description
The portfolio aims to track the movements and performance of the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (“ALBI”) over time. It endeavours to track the performance of the ALBI by replicating its constituents, in their correct weightings as closely as possible.The Fund invests in a diversified range of listed fixed interest securities including, but not limited to, government, semi-government and corporate.
It seeks to produce returns in line with FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI).
Benchmark: FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI)
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Pooled/Segregated
For more information please contact: businessdevelopment@prowessinvestments.com
Fund Managers
Prowess Unlisted Corporate Bond Fund
Investor Profile
For institutional clients with various risk profiles looking for predictable income and medium to long-term capital growth over time.
Fund Description
The Fund’s strategy is to build a diversified portfolio that achieves a higher weighted average yield over risk free rates while minimising volatility. The investment strategy combines a top-down strategic, long-term market view with bottom-up security selection as performance enhancing strategies.
The Fund invests in a diversified range of listed and unlisted fixed interest securities including, but not limited to, government, semi-government, corporate bonds, fixed deposits, money market and other interest-bearing securities that offer value on a relative basis.
It seeks to produce returns that are superior to the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI) by seeking investment opportunities in the fixed income market that offer value on a relative basis.
Benchmark: FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI)
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Pooled/Segregated
For more information please contact: businessdevelopment@prowessinvestments.com
Fund Managers
Unlisted Core Bond Strategy
Specialist Bond Strategies

Inflation Linked Bond Strategy
Specialist Bond Strategies

Prowess Inflation Linked Bond Fund
Investor Profile
For investors seeking medium capital growth and income in real terms over time.
Fund Description
The portfolio seeks to produce real returns that are superior to the SA Government Inflation Linked Bond Index by seeking investment opportunities in the fixed income market that offer value on a relative basis. It takes active positions compared to the SA Government Inflation Linked Bond Index (“CILI”) over time. The portfolio endeavours to outperform the index through active real duration, yield curve and credit views.
The Fund invests in a diversified range of listed and unlisted fixed interest securities including, but not limited to government, semi-government, corporate bonds, fixed deposits, money market and other interest-bearing securities that offer value on a relative basis.
It seeks to produce returns that are superior to the SA Government Inflation Linked Bond Index (“CILI”) by seeking investment opportunities in the fixed income market that offer value on a relative basis.
Benchmark: SA Government Inflation Linked Bond Index (“CILI”).
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Pooled/Segregated
Prowess Inflation Linked Bond Fund – January 2025
Fund Managers
Prowess Passive Inflation Linked Fund
Investor Profile
For investors seeking medium capital growth and income, in real terms over time.
Fund Description
The portfolio tracks the movements and performance of the SA Government Inflation Linked Bond Index (“CILI”) over time. It endeavours to track the performance of the index by replicating its constituents, in their correct weightings, as closely as possible.
The Fund invests in a diversified range of fixed interest securities including, but not limited to, government, semi-government and corporate bonds.
It seeks to produce returns that are in line with the SA Government Inflation Linked Bond Index (“CILI”) by seeking investment opportunities in the fixed income market that offer value on a relative basis.
Benchmark: SA Government Inflation Linked Bond Index (“CILI”).
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Pooled/Segregated
Fund Managers
Prowess Impact Bond Fund
Investor Profile
For institutional clients with various risk profiles who seek medium to long-term capital growth while investing for social impact.
Fund Description
The fund’s strategy is to build a diversified portfolio that achieves a higher weighted average yield over risk free rates while minimising volatility. The investment strategy combines a top-down, strategic, long-term market view with bottom-up security selection as performance enhancing strategies.
The Fund invests in a diversified range of listed and unlisted fixed interest securities, including but not limited to government, semi-government, corporate bonds, fixed deposits, money market and other interest-bearing securities that offer value on a relative basis.
The portfolio invests in local bonds and other interest-bearing and debt instruments that positively support and provide funding for social upliftment and infrastructure development. The social responsibility objectives of this fund are investing in projects with a direct and evident impact on working class communities. These include investing in low-cost housing; water and sanitation services; welfare services; public health; and educational and training projects.
The Fund seeks to produce returns that are superior to the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI) by seeking investment opportunities in the fixed income market that offer value on a relative basis.
Benchmark: FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI)
Regulation 28: Yes
Structure: Segregated
Prowess Impact Bond Fund – January 2025Fund Managers

Impact Bond Strategy

Liability Driven Investment Strategy

Liability Driven Investment Mandates
Investor Profile
This strategy is suitable for investors (Retirement Funds, Insurers, Corporates and/or Institutions) who want bespoke portfolio solutions that have been customised based on their unique investment requirements.
Fund Description
Prowess’ Liability Driven Investment (LDI) strategy offers our clients a customised solution that allows them to manage assets relative to their liabilities (both present and future obligations). It aims to offer investors stable and consistence performance over time, underpinned by a robust investment process.
The portfolio provides a rigorous and disciplined risk management framework that hedges the risk profile of liabilities by using various fixed income assets. It seeks alpha generating investment strategies in the fixed income space to enhance investor returns.
For more information please contact: businessdevelopment@prowessinvestments.com
Fund Managers
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